Wondering where to install your new wall air conditioning unit? Here’s how you should place your wall air conditioner for maximum impact and efficiency.
With so many options on the market, from central AC systems to split systems to window-mounted air conditioning units, it can be challenging to determine which HVAC solution is the right fit for your space’s unique needs and your budget.
But whether you’re looking for an air conditioning solution for your office, apartment building, store, mall, hospital, or school, there’s one option that beats them all: a wall mounted air conditioning unit.
What is a wall mounted air conditioning unit?
A wall mounted HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system is a device which is placed on the interior wall of a room that lets users control the temperature and moisture of the air in a specific space.
Also known as a ductless wall mounted air conditioner, this system actually consists of two parts – an external compressor that expels old indoor air from the room, and an internal unit which is placed on the wall inside the room. These two components are connected via piping or tubing which is fed through a wall.
How are wall air conditioning units different from central air conditioning, and floor-based units?
A centralized HVAC system leverages a central cooling or heating system, through which passes, and is then released via ducts in different areas within a building. A major disadvantage of a central AC system system is that because of its centralized design, it consumes large amounts of energy.
With a central air conditioner, it’s impossible to heat or cool just one room at a time – conditioned air will be blasted to all rooms on a floor or within the home or building. That results in energy waste and higher electricity bills.
Floor-based air conditioning units are free-standing devices, which are usually portable. They are convenient in the sense that they can be wheeled from one room to another, according to the needs of those in the building or home.
However, they are typically large, clunky, and inconvenient, taking up floor space and making it maneuver around them. Because of their placement on the floor and the fact that hot air rises and cold air sinks, they will be less efficient at processing and conditioning air than a wall mounted unit.
Heating and air conditioning wall units, conversely, control the humidity and temperature of the air in one defined area. They do this more quietly and energy-efficiently than a central AC system. These units are placed on a wall, rather than within a window or on the floor, so they don’t take up any floor space within a room.
Wall mount air conditioners give you the best of both worlds: out of sight, out of mind convenience and powerful heating and cooling. For robust AC with an ergonomic design, wall mounted air conditioners are by far the superior option.
The benefits of wall mounted air conditioning
There are a number of advantages to placing your air conditioner on the wall, rather than using a window or floor-mounted unit or relying on a centralized HVAC system.
Space saving and convenient
Unlike window and floor-mounted units, which take up a lot of space and may block important walkways in a room, a wall-mounted air conditioner doesn’t interrupt the flow or movement in your space. Window units are often massive and partially obstruct your view, which isn’t an issue with wall units.
Easy install and maintenance
Installing wall-mounted units is a simple and straightforward process that doesn’t require the labor and time-intensive effort of central AC installation. There’s no special modifications needed – the units are simply installed on the wall in a matter of hours. They’re also easier to maintain than ducted units, which require disassembly and the commitment of countless manpower hours for maintenance.
Energy efficient and economical
When centralized AC systems are activated, they blast conditioned air throughout all rooms in a house or building – even those that are unoccupied at the time the system is in use – and there’s no way to target the air conditioning to a particular area. With a wall mounted air conditioning unit, you can expect lower electricity bills than if you use a central AC system.
Safe and secure
Whether they’re placed in a school, hospital, or office, bulky floor-mounted portable air conditioning can constitute a serious hazard to people within the space. Wall mounted units are safely out of reach and there’s no dangling cables or plugs which could potentially pose a trip hazard.
5 tips for placing your wall mounted air conditioner
Ready to install your new AC? Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding on a placement for your unit.
1. Let the professional choose the height – but aim for about 7 feet
When choosing the placement for your wall mounted air conditioning unit, it’s critical that you consult with the HVAC professional who is responsible for the installation. While an unusual space may have different requirements, in all likelihood your unit will be placed around 7 feet (about 2 meters) above the floor. This will give the AC ideal access to all the air circulating throughout the room.
2. Ensure that your AC can do its thing, without interference
Your wall unit should not be placed near any other electrical devices, and should be secured high on the wall so that it can circulate and distribute air evenly throughout the space. Be sure that your unit is in a place where there’s no obstructions to airflow. Placing your unit near a door that might be propped halfway open, or behind a piece of furniture, is a bad idea.
3. Go for a central placement, away from any heat sources
Place your unit in a central location on the wall, near the middle of the room. While your AC doesn’t need to be in the exact center of the room, the closer to the middle, the better. This ensures that you’ll be able to maximize airflow in the room and get the most even distribution of conditioned air.
4. Avoid placing your unit near heat sources
It’s critical that your AC is nowhere near anything that produces hot air. Placing your unit near heat sources, such as ovens or stovetops, or close to a window with direct, bright sunlight, can skew your AC’s reading of the air temperature and result in less accurate cooling or heating.
5. Consider the size of the room vs. the size of your unit
Be sure that the size of your unit is appropriate for the size of your room. If you’re installing the unit in a very large space – for example, an auditorium or gymnasium – you may consider adding more than one unit to the room.
What’s my best option for a wall mounted air purifier?
Tadiran’s AIROW 3 is an innovative air purifier that slashes levels of harmful contaminants, such as viruses, bacteria, and molds, from indoor air. In FDA-cleared lab tests, AIROW 3 was proven to reduce levels of indoor air pollutants by up to 99.998%.
The system uses unique proprietary technology that transforms water molecules already present in the air into pathogen-blasting hydrogen peroxide. AIROW 3 is an induct solution that can be seamlessly added to your existing air conditioning unit, and requires minimal upkeep – it’s virtually maintenance free.
To learn more about how our wall mounted air purifier can keep your space free of harmful airborne pollutants, get in touch with us. We’d love to assist you in your search for an effective air purification system that’s the right fit for your wall mount air conditioner.