With so many options on the market, here’s how to select the best commercial air purifier for your office or school.
Responsible for schools and offices, post-pandemic site managers consider the indoor air at their spaces more carefully than ever before. COVID-19 outbreaks have seen schools and workplaces all over the world shut down, and other diseases, such as those that cause the common cold and flu, also spread more easily indoors.
That’s not to mention that according to the EPA, levels of airborne contaminants are 2 to 5 times higher inside. It’s clear that good indoor air quality is critical to preventing the spread of disease and making sure that your students or employees are doing their best work.
Commercial air purifiers can make all the difference, ensuring that your employees, staff or students are safe. But because not all indoor air purifiers are created equal, choosing the right system for your unique space isn’t always a straightforward decision.
So how can you find the best commercial air purifier for your office or school? There are three critical questions you should ask yourself.
What are my current indoor air quality levels?
lurking in your indoor air. If you find particularly high levels of certain pollutants, that should shape your decision as to what kind of air cleaner to purchase.
To get a clearer idea of what pollutants you should focus on combating, you can engage in air quality testing. You can purchase a DIY device for a big-picture overview into your indoor air quality, or hire a professional for a more advanced look.
Some common pollutants that you’re likely to find in your school or office include:
- Biological contaminants from dirty ventilation systems or water-damaged walls, ceilings and carpets
- Cleaning materials and restroom air fresheners
- Asbestos from insulation and fire-proof building materials
- Formaldehyde from pressed wood products
- Pesticides from pest management efforts
That’s not including that hacking, sneezing employees or students could be releasing airborne pollutants into your space if they’re ill. You should keep in mind that many filter-based systems have little to no effect on biological contaminants, like the viruses that cause COVID-19 and the flu.
How much maintenance can I handle?
Filter-based air systems, one of the most common air cleaners on the market, need frequent, hands-on maintenance. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, regular changing of filters every 90 days is a must. If you can’t set aside the time for upkeep, “clogged, dirty filters block normal airflow,” rendering your device highly ineffective.
You should also consider the cost of the filters, which can range from $50 to $200 a pop, depending on whether you’re using standard, carbon, or HEPA filters. This can quickly add up to an extra several hundred dollars each year spent on maintaining your system.
Some air purifier systems only work in a small space, such as a single room. Carefully consider whether or not you’re willing to invest in a separate air purifier device for each classroom or meeting room at your site.
This is an especially important consideration if you’re in search of an air purifier for a large office or school. Multiple units for each room, all with their own upkeep requirements, are much less practical than a solution which effectively cleanses the entirety of a space.
Can I add it to my existing HVAC system?
Some air purifiers are not compatible with the system you have in place in your office or school.. To avoid the costs and chaos that are created by needing to install an interior new solution, you should look for an HVAC system air purifier that works as an add-on.
Tadiran’s TADIRAN AIROW™ is a plug-and-play, hassle-free solution which easily fits into your current HVAC system. That means you can avoid a costly overhaul and continue utilizing the air conditioning already present at your site.
Leveraging proprietary technology, the unique air cleansing system uses water molecules in the air and transforms them into highly purifying hydrogen peroxide. In FDA-cleared lab tests, TADIRAN AIROW was proven to eliminate airborne pathogens including bacteria, viruses, and molds at rates of up to 99.998%.
If you’re interested in learning more about how hydrogen peroxide-based, pollutant-zapping air purifier devices can help keep your school or office air safe, get in touch with us here at Tadiran. We’d love to guide you in your search.