Here’s how an air purifier for your HVAC system can protect people at your office, school, or business, and extend the life of your air conditioner.
Most schools, offices, businesses, and medical centers have HVAC (air conditioning) systems in place. These solutions mean that people can enjoy indoor air that’s heated or cooled for maximum comfort. But what about problems that go beyond the temperature of the air – like contaminants that can reduce air quality and cause everything from diminished academic performance to worse efficacy at work to deadly infections?
Already have air conditioning with an air filtration system? That’s great, but there’s a huge difference between filtration and purification. While your HVAC system might have filters that trap relatively large airborne contaminants, you’re still leaving people at your site vulnerable to biological pathogens, such as viruses, molds, and bacteria, and VOCs – gases created by common everyday chemicals, like cleaning supplies.
Read on to learn more about the relationship between indoor air quality and HVAC systems, and what steps you can take to boost air quality at your site.
Why do I need an air purifier for my HVAC system?
The short answer – because your current HVAC system does not enhance the quality of the air in your indoor space.
Let’s start off by defining terms and understanding the differences between air conditioners (HVAC systems) and air purifiers.
An air conditioner or HVAC system allows you to adjust the humidity, ventilation, and temperature within an indoor space. While your HVAC system likely has some basic filtration features, it is not designed to stop airborne contaminants from circulating throughout a room.
Although you have a device which lets you control air temperature, it does not neutralize and remove harmful airborne pollutants, like biological pathogens, which can cause serious illness.
An air purifier is necessary for protecting everyone at your site and reducing levels of airborne pollutants. These devices remove contaminants in a number of ways, including through mechanical filters, electromagnetic charges, and hydrogen peroxide.
The EPA links ailments ranging in seriousness from eye, nose, and throat irritation to respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer to bad indoor air.
If you want to protect people at your school, office, business, or medical center from the myriad of ill health effects caused by poor indoor air quality, then you must invest in an HVAC air purifier.
Benefits of HVAC system air purifiers
There are a number of ways that an air purifier in your HVAC system can benefit your site.
- The EPA says that air purification systems can help mitigate the risk of indoor COVID transmission, when coupled with strict adherence to mask-wearing and social distancing, as well as increasing ventilation.
- Harvard and Syracuse University researchers discovered that excellent indoor air provides a significant boost to work quality. People who worked in office spaces with top-tier air quality performed a staggering 61% better on cognitive tasks than their counterparts in offices with average or lower air quality.
- Your students, staff, or colleagues with allergies will breathe easier. A 2018 study found that air purification systems provided remarkable relief for allergy sufferers, noticeably easing their symptoms, over a four-week trial period.
- Air purifiers lengthen the lifespan of your current HVAC system and can help reduce electricity bills. Air that’s thick with contaminants is hard for your AC system to heat or cool and puts stress on the motor, blades, and fans. Good indoor air quality means a more effective HVAC system that requires less energy to function effectively.
Choosing the right solution for your site
It’s clear that you need an air purifier solution in addition to your current HVAC system. But not all purification devices are created equal. Some are able to remove particles like dust and smoke from the air, but have little to no effect on viruses and bacteria. Others are challenging to add to your site’s present air conditioning system, requiring a complete, costly overhaul.
Looking for plug-and-play HVAC indoor air quality products that pack a serious punch? Consider a hydrogen peroxide purifier. Hydrogen peroxide is an extremely effective cleanser that destroys biological pathogens, but is safe enough that it’s found in everyday products like toothpaste.
Tadiran’s TADIRAN AIROW air purification device, which fits easily into your existing HVAC system, transforms water molecules already present in the air into pathogen-blasting hydrogen peroxide. In FDA-cleared lab tests, TADIRAN AIROW eliminated up to 99.998% of known aerosolized pathogens under optimal testing conditions, including COVID , viruses , bacteria ,and 98.93% of mold in indoor spaces.
If you’d like to learn more about how a hydrogen peroxide air purifier for your HVAC system can boost indoor air quality at your site, get in touch with us. We’d love to guide you in your search to find the perfect plug-and-play purifying solution to add to your current air conditioner.